Australian Manufacturing Workers' Union


Queensland/Northern Territory

Queensland/Northern Territory

It pays to belong

The Queensland and Northern Territory Branch of the AMWU is an active, strong branch dedicated to getting a fair deal and a better life for our members.

Our branch covers many different occupations, trades and callings including fitters, boilermakers, lab technicians, mechanics, printers, graphic designers and many more.

To get a better deal for yourself, your family, your workmates and your community the best thing you can do is join our union.

The AMWU is a union made up of over 100,000 members. Because we work together as a collective, we can secure strong and fair outcomes and a better life for all members.

Here are the top 7 reasons why it pays to belong.

1. You’ll never stand alone

When you’re an AMWU member you always have the union and its 100,000 members in your corner.

2. You get a greater say

Our union is run by members, for members and you get a say in what we do.

3. You get paid more

Research shows that Union members earn 15-25% more than non-union workers.

4. We stand up for your rights

The AMWU stands up for your rights, campaigning for superannuation, paid maternity leave, shorter working hours and keeping jobs in Australia.

5. You and your family will be protected

AMWU members get access to industrial and legal experts that can help if you are terminated, injured, discriminated against, bullied or harassed.

6. You get great benefits

As an AMWU member, you will get access to great benefits like free legal advice, a free funeral benefit, ACTU Member Benefits and more.

7. It’s tax deductible

Your union membership is completely tax deductible.

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Queensland/Northern Territory

Nov 08, 2016

Apprentices step up to improve their future

Apprentices from around Australia convened in Sydney in late October to help the AMWU improve...

Jul 29, 2016

First steps toward a 'new' AMWU

 The peak AMWU National Conference met in Sydney this week to discuss how we can...

Aug 17, 2015

Opinion: PM Must Disband Royal Commission

Paul Bastian - National Secretary  It’s now clear that the Abbott Government must immediately disband...